Celebrating Senior Year

Paly senior traditions: both past and present


Senior year of high school is filled with many traditions as it is the last time to make high school memories before students begin new paths in life. The amount of traditions for seniors specifically has increased and changed drastically over the years. Many traditions like streaking and stealing the Channing House sign have faded away, while others have continued to be a constant in the Paly senior experience. 

The list of these ever-evolving traditions has come to include wearing camouflage pants to numerous school days throughout the year, senior elimination, senior sunrise and other late May graduation activities. All of these traditions have come to be staples of the senior year experience at Paly, and ultimately contribute to a closely bonded senior class. 

Senior year is positively anticipated by many students at Paly, and though the added stress of college applications and the preparation for the next chapter in life is persistent, students have always tried to make it fun through their various traditions. Each student and staff has their own opinion of these Paly traditions including which ones should be here to stay and which ones may not be needed anymore.