Palo Alto High School's Arts and Culture Magazine

C Magazine

Palo Alto High School's Arts and Culture Magazine

C Magazine

Palo Alto High School's Arts and Culture Magazine

C Magazine

Rating the New Starbucks Fall Menu

Dive into this cafe’s delicious, pumpkin-filled version of fall with Kayley Ko and Katelyn Pegg

Iced Pumpkin Cream Chai Tea Latte:

Katelyn’s rating: 9.5/10
Kayley’s rating: 9.5/10

The Pumpkin Cream Chai Tea Latte is the perfect sip of fall, incorporating the classic Starbucks chai latte taste with a sweet and seasonal pumpkin cold foam on top. While the base is nothing unusual, what really sets this drink apart is the pumpkin cold foam that gives the drink its fall flavor. This drink is on the sweeter side, so if you are in search of the perfect fall sweet treat, the Pumpkin Cream Chai Tea Latte is the way to go!



Pumpkin Cream Cold Brew

Katelyn’s rating: 6/10
Kayley’s rating: 6.5/10

The Pumpkin Cream Cold Brew is definitely for stronger coffee lovers. While extremely bitter, there is a hint of pumpkin layered in between sips. The cold foam doesn’t do much to sweeten it up. For customers with sweet coffee preferences, we would recommend for them to gravitate towards the Iced Pumpkin Cream Chai Tea Latte.





Pumpkin Spice Latte

Katelyn rating: 6/10
Kayley rating: 6/10

The Pumpkin Spice Latte, while a classic, was not our favorite of the bunch. There is a difference having it hot instead of cold, as the flavors are less prominent when hot. We couldn’t really taste the famous pumpkin flavor, or for that matter any strong coffee taste; it was like warm milk with a hint of fall.






Pumpkin Cream Cheese Muffin

Katelyn rating: 10/10
Kayley rating: 9.5/10

The Pumpkin Cream cheese muffin is a unique spin on the year round pumpkin loaf. The cream cheese filling adds a sweetness to the pastry and it is the perfect fall treat to enjoy with your favorite drink. This item has the perfect balance of sweetness from the muffin and cream cheese, topped with  pepita seeds. As you can imagine, this treat does have a sweeter taste than most other pastries that Starbucks offers, however the large portions makes it perfect to share with a friend.

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About the Contributors
Kayley Ko
Kayley Ko, Staff Writer
2023-2024 Staff Writer I joined C Mag because I really like how design based the magazine is, plus there are so many interesting aspects of student life like music, arts, and culture to write about. One of the things I love most about C Mag is the family-like community that the staff embodies. My favorite thing about journalism is how it's a combination of story telling, reporting, and design. In my free-time I like to dance, hang out with my friends, watch sunsets, and listen to music!
Katelyn Pegg
Katelyn Pegg, Staff Writer
2023-2024 Staff Writer I joined C Mag because I was super inspired by the fun stories and creative design elements that go into creating the magazine. I am excited to work with others who bring so many unique ideas to the table! Some of my hobbies include sports, music, and hanging out with friends & family. In the future, I hope to go into a creative field!