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Palo Alto High School's Arts and Culture Magazine

C Magazine

Palo Alto High School's Arts and Culture Magazine

C Magazine

Palo Alto High School's Arts and Culture Magazine

C Magazine

Advertise & Sponsor


Our staff would be happy to help you design an ad or run your pre-designed copy. Our ad sizes can be adjusted to your needs. We look forward to serving you and helping you reach your business goals.

The staff publishes advertisements with signed contracts, providing they are not deemed by the staff inappropriate for the magazine’s audience. For more information about advertising with C Magazine, please contact business manager Lily Jeffery at [email protected].

Online Advertisements: Our website has 28,000 viewers per year. We offer a range of sizes and prices to choose from, and we will design your ad for free. We will feature your ad on the front page of our website, this is a great way to get a wide reach and support local student journalism. For more information contact Business Manager Lily Jeffrey at [email protected]

Print Advertisements: Advertising in C Magazine, Palo Alto High School’s arts and culture publication, is an effective way to reach the 2000 students at Palo Alto High School and their parents. We print 500 copies of our glossy, 44-page, full-color magazine five times per year (distributing in October, December, March, April and May). Our ability to print depends on advertisers like you, and we thank you in advance for considering advertising with us.

Ad Size





22 picas by 29 picas 6

45 picas by 29 picas 6

45 picas by 60 picas

One Edition




Three Editions

$360 (20% off) 

$600 (20% off)

$1,080 (20% off)

Five Editions

$630 (30% off) 

$1,050 (30% off) 

$1,890 (30% off)

If you are interested in supporting our publication, please make a check out to “Palo Alto High School” and include “C Magazine” in the memo.

Mailing address: 50 Embarcadero Rd, Palo Alto, CA 94301

For more information about sponsoring C Magazine, please contact business manager Saachi Nagar at [email protected].

Sponsorship Packages

Bronze Package, $25 — C Magazine sticker and your name listed as a sponsor in each issue.

Silver Package, $50— A year subscription of C Magazine delivered to your door, a C Magazine sticker, your name listed as a sponsor in each issue.

Gold Package, $100— A year subscription of C Magazine delivered to your door, C Magazine sticker, your name listed as a sponsor in each issue, and a personalized note every issue.

Platinum Package, $250— A year subscription of C Magazine delivered to your door, C Magazine sticker, your name listed as a sponsor in each issue, personalized note every issue, and a special gift at the end of the year.

Past Sponsors

Vol. 12 Edition 3

The Bakhash Family, The Boneh Family, Cindy Brewer, Shahla Chehrazi, Sung Cho, Cindy Cleary, Tim Cleary, Judy Cummings, The Daniel Family, Jianchun Dong, Ed Dunn, Linda Farewell, Robert Henderson, The Kocherry Family, Satish Kumar, Gene Lebel, The Meyefreund Family, The Morrison Family, The Pegg Family, Joan Pinkvoss, Stephen Raffle, Misha Renclair, The Sheffer Family, Gael Solos, Vijayashree Srinivasan, The Williams Family, Hillis William, Jingjing Xu, Sha Yu, Qu Zhou

Vol. 12 Edition 2

The Bakhash Family, Yi Cao, Melissa Caren, Shahla Chehrazi, Sung Cho, Cindy Cleary, Tim Cleary, Judy Cummings, The Daniel Family, Ed Dunn, Linda Farewell, Robert Henderson, Jill Keefe, David Ko, Satish Kumar, Gene Lebel, The Morrison Family, The Pegg Family, Joan Pinkvoss, Stephen Raffle, Misha Renclair, Gael Solos, Vijayashree Srinivasan, The Williams Family, Jingjing Xu, Sha Yu, Qu Zhou

Vol. 12 Edition 1

The Bakhash Family, Shahla Chehrazi, Sung Cho, Cindy Cleary, Tim Cleary, Christopher Cummings, The Daniel Family, Ed Dunn, Linda Farewell, Robert Henderson, Gene Lebel, The Morrison Family, The Pegg Family, Joan Pinkvoss, Stephen Raffle, Misha Renclair, Gael Solos, Vijayashree Srinivasan, Lorna Thornton, The Williams Family, Jingjing Xu, Sha Yu, Qu Zhou

Vol. 11 Edition 5

Alan Cummings, Anna Hagan, Annette and Tom King, Bob Cooper, Carrie and Chris Daniel, David Sheaffer, David Schmitt and Lettie Bien, Ed Dunn, Ellen and Victor Meyerfreund, Emma Joing, Eugenie Van Wyden, Hannah Cho, Henderson SFIS, Isabelle Hau, Jacqueline Lo, Jieun Shin, Jill Keefe, Joe McGinnity, John Cooper, Judy Cummings, Kate Freeman, Laura Prentiss, Liza Baskind, Lorna Thornton, Marice Tzeng, Mary Meiser, Maura McGinnity, Melissa Caren, Michelle Cooper, Peggy Morrison, Sandra Gifford, Sarah Markesky, Sotnick Family, Sunghyun Hwang, Susanna Lee, Suyan Ling, Sydney Rusay, Tal and Yoav Samet, Tao Chen, Taylor Family, Bakkash Family, Chen Family, Coulson Family, Hong Family, Kuartz Family, Morrison Family, Oda Family, Papp Family, Rodriguez Family, Rosso Tabrizi Family, Samet Family, Sethi Family, Tzeng Family, Victura, Vivian Kalik, Yuxuan Ruan

Vol. 11 Edition 4

Adam and Kin Brochert, Annette and Tom King, Benjamin Papp, Bob Cooper, Chris and Carrie Daniel, Dave Sheaffer, David Schmitt and Lettie Bien, Ed Dunn, Ellen and Victor Meyerfreund, Emma Joing, Eugenie Van Wyden, Eugenie Van Wyden, Hannah Cho, Henderson SFIS, Isabelle Hau, Jacqueline Lo, Jieun Shin, Jill Keefe, Joe McGinnity, John Cooper, Judy Cummings, Laura Prentiss, Liza Baskind, Marice Tzeng, Mary Meiser, Maura McGinnity, Michelle Cooper, Neelam Sethi, Peggy Morrison, Sandra Gifford, Sarah Markesky, Susanna Lee, Suyan Ling, Sydney Rusay, Tal and Yoav Samet, Tao Chen, Bakkash Family, Chen Family, Coulson Family, Hong Family, Kuartz Family, Morrison Family, Oda Family, Rodriguez Family, Rosso Tabrizi Family, Samet Family, Sotnick Family, Tzeng Family, Victura, Vivian Kalik, Yuxuan Ruan

Vol. 11 Edition 3

Annette and Tom King, Bob Cooper, Chris and Carrie Daniel, Ed Dunn, Ellen and Victor Meyerfreund, Emma Joing, Eugenie Van Wyden, Hannah Cho, Henderson SFIS, Isabelle Hau, Jacqueline Lo, Jieun Shin, Joe McGinnity, Judy Cummings, Laura Prentiss, Liza Baskind, Mary Meiser, Melissa Caren, Michelle Cooper, Neelam Seethi, Peggy Morrison, Sunghyun Lee, Susanna Lee, Suyan Ling, Sydney Rusay, The Bakash Family, The Coulson Family, The Hong Family, The Kuartz Family, The Morrison Family, The Oda Family, The Rodriguez Family, The Rosso Tabrizi Family, The Samet Family, The Sotnick Family, The Tzeng Family, Tao Chen, Victuria, Yuxuan Ruan

Vol. 11 Edition 2

Annette and Tom King, Bob Cooper, Chris and Carrie Daniel, Ed Dunn, Ellen and Victor Meyerfreund, Emma Joing, Eugenie Van Wyden, Henderson SFIS, Isabelle Hau, Jacqueline Lo, Jieun Shin, Judy Cummings, Laura Prentiss, Liza Baskind, Mary Meiser, Neelam Seethi, Peggy Morrison, Susanna Lee, Suyan Ling, Tal and Yoav Samet, The Coulson Family, The Hong Family, The Kuartz Family, The Morrison Family, The Oda Family, The Rodriguez Family, The Rosso Tabrizi Family, The Samet Family, The Sotnick Family, The Tzeng Family, Victuria, Yuxuan Ruan

Vol. 11 Edition 1

Annette and Tom King, Chris and Carrie Daniel, Ed Dunn, Ellen and Victor Meyerfreund, Emma Joing, Eugenie Van Wyden, Henderson SFIS, Isabelle Hau, Judy Cummings, Laura Prentiss, Liza Baskind, Mary Meiser, Neelam Seethi, Peggy Morrison, Suyan Ling, Tal and Yoav Samet, The Coulson Family, The Hong Family, The Kuartz Family, The Oda Family, The Rodriguez Family, The Rosso Tabrizi Family, The Sotnick Family, Yuxuan Ruan

Vol. 10 Edition 5

Alice Hadaya, Amy Yang, Brandi Walters, Brian Steele, Chris Hsiang, Chris Markesky, Christine Hmelar, Chungwha Park, Cynthia Costell, Dave Wolter, David and Elizabeth Lee, Debbie & Pat Ellisen, Dede Turnbull, Don and Liz Darby, Elaine Cao, Erik Rausch, Eugenie Van Wynen, Gloria Tapson, Hannah Cho, Harry and Harriet Oda, Hsun Kao, Hsun Liu, Isabelle Hau, Janet Ellisen, Jeff Willwerth, Jenifer and Steve Turnbull, Jeongyoung Kim, Jieun Shin, Jill Randall, Jim Yang, Joanie Haney, Jovita and Yiu-Shih Lee, Joyce Rausch, Jungsoon Kim, Julie Baskind, Karen Townsend, Karen Wolter, Kate and Todd Glasson, Kristina Klausen, Lan Liang, Laura Huang, Laura Prentiss, Lee Rosenblum, Limin Qian, Liz Brooks, Liza Baskind, Marty and Joan Ragno, Mary Lynn Fitton, Maura McGinnity, Max Rosenblum, Michele Gay, Nancy Warner, Nicole Bigas Lee, Oda Family, Robert & Diane Threlkeld, Rui Li, Stan Turnbull, Sung Hyun Hwang, Sunmi Seol, Suyan Ling and Xiaobiao Huang, The Coulson Family, The Novack Family, The Rodriguez Family, The Rosso Tabrizi Family, The Tzeng Family, Toby Stanley, William Hadaya, Yanqun Yan, Yon Sung, Yonggang Peng, Younju Han, Ziwa Ahmed

Vol. 10 Edition 4

Alice Hadaya, Amy Yang, Brandi Walters, Brian Steele, Chris Hsiang, Christine Hmelar, Chungwha Park, Cynthia Costell, Dave Wolter, David and Elizabeth Lee, Debbie & Pat Ellisen, Dede Turnbull, Don and Liz Darby, Elaine Cao, Erik Rausch, Eugenie Van Wynen, Gloria Tapson, Hannah Cho, Harry and Harriet Oda, Hsun Kao, Hsun Liu, Isabelle Hau, Janet Ellisen, Jeff Willwerth, Jenifer and Steve Turnbull, Jeongyoung Kim, Jieun Shin, Jill Randall, Jim Yang, Joanie Haney, Jovita and Yiu-Shih Lee, Joyce Rausch, Julie Baskind, Karen Townsend, Karen Wolter, Kate and Todd Glasson, Kristina Klausen, Lan Liang, Laura Huang, Laura Prentiss, Lee Rosenblum, Limin Qian, Liz Brooks, Liza Baskind, Marty and Joan Ragno, Mary Lynn Fitton, Maura McGinnity, Max Rosenblum, Michele Gay, Nancy Warner, Oda Family, Olivia Paula Hau, Robert & Diane Threlkeld, Rui Li, Stan Turnbull, Sung Hyun Hwang, Sunmi Seol, Suyan Ling and Xiaobiao Huang, The Coulson Family, The Joing Family, The Novack Family, The Rodriguez Family, The Rosso Tabrizi Family, The Tzeng Family, Toby Stanley, William Hadaya, Yanqun Yan, Yon Sung, Yonggang Peng, Younju Han, Ziwa Ahmed

Vol. 10 Edition 3

Alice Hadaya, Amy Yang, Bonnie Joing, Brandi Walters, Brian Steele, Chris Hsiang, Christine Hmelar, Chris Markesky, Cynthia Costell, Dave Wolter, Debbie & Pat Ellisen, Don and Liz Darby, Elaine Cao, Eugenie Van Wynen, Gloria Tapson, Harry and Harriet Oda, Hsun Kao, Hsun Liu, Isabelle Hau, Janet Ellisen, Jeff Willwerth, Jenifer and Steve Turnbull, Jeongyoung Kim, Jieun Shin, Jill Randall, Jim Yang, Joanie Haney, Joyce Rausch, Julie Baskind, Karen Townsend, Karen Wolter, Kate and Todd Glasson, Kristina Klausen, Lan Liang, Laura Prentiss, Lee Rosenblum, Limin Qian, Liz Brooks, Liza Baskind, Marty and Joan Ragno, Mary Lynn Fitton, Maura McGinnity, Max Rosenblum, Michele Gay, Nancy Warner, Olivia Paula Hau, Robert & Diane Threlkeld, Rui Li, Stan Turnbull, Sung Hyun Hwang, Sunmi Seol, Suyan Ling and Xiaobiao Huang, The Coulson Family, The Novack Family, The Oda Family, The Rodriguez Family, The Rosso Tabrizi Family, The Stanleys, The Tzeng Family, William Hadaya, Yon Sung, Ziwa Ahmed

Vol. 10 Edition 2

Alice Hadaya, Amy Yang, Brandi Walters, Brian Steele, Chris Hsiang, Chris Markesky, Cynthia Costell, Dave Wolter, Debbie & Pat Ellisen, Don and Liz Darby, Elaine Cao, Eugenie Van Wynen, Gloria Tapson, Harry and Harriet Oda, Hsun Kao, Isabelle Hau, Janet Ellisen, Jenifer and Steve Turnbull, Jeongyoung Kim, Jill Randall, Joanie Haney, Julie Baskind, Karen Wolter, Kate and Todd Glasson, Kristina Klausen, Lan Liang, Laura Prentiss, Lee Rosenblum, Liza Baskind, Marty and Joan Ragno, Mary Lynn Fitton, Maura McGinnity, Max Rosenblum, Michele Gay, Nancy Warner, Olivia Paula Hau, Robert & Diane Threlkeld, Rui Li, Sung Hyun Hwang, Sunmi Seol, Suyan Ling and Xiaobiao Huang, The Coulson Family, The Novack Family, The Rodriguez Family, The Rosso Tabrizi Family, The Stanleys, The Tzeng Family, William Hadaya, Yon Sung

Vol. 10 Edition 1

Amy Yang, Brandi Walters, Chris Hsiang, Chris Markesky, Cynthia Costell, Dave Wolter, Gloria Tapson, Harry and Harriet Oda Janet Ellisen, Jenifer and Steve Turnbull, Karen Wolter, Kate and Todd Glasson, Kimi Lillios, Laura Prentiss, Liza Baskind, Marty and Joan Ragno, Mary Lynn Fitton, Maura McGinnity, Michele Gay, Nancy Warner, Olivia Paula Hau, Robert & Diane Threlkeld Rui Li, Sunmi Seol, The Coulson Family, The Novack Family, The Rodriguez Family, The Tzeng Family, Yon Sung