Your Mom
Shopping in someone else’s closet is one of the most effIcient and cost effective methods of revamping your wardrobe, especially when the clothes are your mom’s now-vintage wear. Here are a couple of your mom’s in-style treasures that you’ll want to snag!
Classroom Aides
Fifty classroom aides are a vital part of the Paly community as they support and guide students in their learning across campus so that they can make the most of their education. Aides act not only as a liaison between a student and a teacher but also work to support each student academically, emotionally and socially in the classroom. Their jobs are difficult but rewarding. “Basically it’s doing everything and anything necessary for kids to succeed not just academically but also socially, helping them make friends, navigate situations and teach them life skills and modify curriculum so they can learn in a way that makes sense to them,” Mrigendra Steiner, a classroom aide of 17 years and a part of PAUSD for over 50 years, said. Although they are an integral part of some class environments at Paly many students are unaware of their impact.
Musical Festivals for Dummies
At music festivals you see your favorite artist plus five more artists you have never heard of. You get thrown around in a crowd for hours on end, and when the concert’s over, you return to an unfamiliar sleeping arrangement. Then you wake up, you do what you did the day before. All. Over. Again. Here are some of C Mag’s tips for surviving the insanely harsh and fun world that is a music festival.

Slang: All Around the World
Have you ever wondered if the skills you have learned in your foreign language class would suffice for having a conversation in a foreign country that speaks that language? The answer is yes, but with emphasis on suffice. Learning a language in a classroom is completely different than learning a language by being in the actual country or place it is spoken. Part of this has to do with the way people talk in that country and the slang they use. Every country, even if they speak the same language, has a different way of saying different things. Here are some examples of slang from around the world to help you understand some culture of the culture before you travel to these exciting countries.