
Senior Wheels
Paly seniors celebrate their last year by being creative with their cars

Votes & Verses
Key endorsements from influential musicians are reshaping politics in the upcoming election.

Terror on Tape
Horror films can reveal much about modern society, and often society itself is reflected in horror films

C Mag’s Top 10 Chocolate Croissants
Check out our rankings for 10 of the best croissants in Palo Alto and the surrounding area

C Mag’s Top 10 Albums of 2023
Check out the 10 albums we had on repeat in 2023

C Magazines Top 10 Winter Holiday Songs
The C Mag staff ranks popular holiday songs

Through the Student Lens
A deeper dive into the student behind the cameras at Paly

C Mag Goes: JEA/NSPA National High School Journalism Convention
A digital look into the JEA/NSPA convention with C Magazine’s staff

C Magazines Top 10 Digital Cameras
The best digital cameras for first-timers, pros, film lovers, free spirits, and so much more

C Mag’s Guide to Haight Ashbury
A video tour of the classic businesses on Haight Ashbury, as well as some of their newest additions

Spring Sounds
As winter thaws, Paly students eagerly await spring break and the relaxation that it brings. In anticipation, we made a playlist full of songs that we feel embody the sound of spring.