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Palo Alto High School's Arts and Culture Magazine

C Magazine

Palo Alto High School's Arts and Culture Magazine

C Magazine

Palo Alto High School's Arts and Culture Magazine

C Magazine

Emma Joing

Emma Joing, Editor-In-Chief

2020-2021 - Staff Writer

2021-2022 - Editor-in-Chief

I love the idea of combining stories and design, so I knew that C-Mag was going to be the perfect publication for me! My favorite part about C-Mag is getting to be a part of such a unique community of people. I love to rock climb, longboard and cook!

Pronouns: she/her

All content by Emma Joing
Desired Dissociation

Desired Dissociation

The implications of a controversial and increasingly popular form of feminism
Reya Hadaya, Emma Joing, and Marilyn Yin May 23, 2022
Tweens Take On TikTok

Tweens Take On TikTok

TikTok alters the self-esteem and self-image of impressionable young girls, and we need to talk about it
Emma Joing September 27, 2021
The 51%

The 51%

Women make up over half of the US population but only a fourth of Congress.
Fashion Forward

Fashion Forward

Fashion plays an important part in how we choose to express ourselves; creating fashion that sustains our planet is essential.
Emma Joing and Rachael Vonderhaar March 11, 2021
2021 Fashion Trend Predictions

2021 Fashion Trend Predictions

With the new year comes new fashion trends, and we at C-Mag are here to offer our predictions about what might become popular in 2021!
Emma Joing January 31, 2021
Art by Marilyn Yin

Grow As You Go

Gardening proves to be a gratifying pastime for Paly students and experts alike
Emma Joing and Marilyn Yin December 17, 2020
Melody Xu's workspace is covered in pens, tape, stationary and more which she artfully utilizes to create her beautiful letters. (Melody Xu)

Pandemic Pen Pals

Penpalling grows in popularity as a safe and fun hobby during the pandemic.
Emma Joing November 29, 2020
GoodFastCheap gathers for the first time in a while to play for neighbors. Photo by Rhys Gwyn.

Music to My Ears

Local bands bring vibrant performances to the community.
Leslie Aboytes and Emma Joing September 28, 2020
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