Samantha Lee, Managing Editor

Which Flower Are You?
Take this quiz to find out which flower matches your personality!

Hyper Popular
Exploring the rise of hyperpop music and the unique community behind it

Perspective: A Fashion Crisis
A reflection of my failure to be an environmentally responsible fashion consumer

“You’ve Probably Never Heard of Them…”
Discover lesser-known rising artists so you can say, "Oh, you've probably never heard of them"

Searching Through San Fransisco
Download and play C Magazine's Vol. 10 Edition 3 word search

Discovering the Joy of Painting
The C Magazine staff teams up with the Madrono staff to try Bob Ross's 'Country Charm' painting

Rain, Rain, Go Away
The impacts of drought-filled childhoods on Paly students' relationships with rain

Celebrity Power
Should celebrities with massive followings like Lorde use their talents and platforms to further important causes?

Music on the Mind
Getting technical about how listening to music affects our brains.

C Mag Recommends: Mutual Aid Organizations
An introduction to the concept of mutual aid and how to get involved

Daft Punk: More Than Just a Duo
A reflection on iconic music duo Daft Punk's legacy after nearly three decades of redefining the world of music

Living Simply
The younger generation’s take on a minimalist lifestyle amidst an increasingly materialistic world.